Academic year

Academic year – 10 months in Spain


Academic year in Spain - 10 Months

The principal concept of a year abroad is the same as that of the semester and the term. Over the weeks and months, our students will become part of a Spanish host family and thereby participate in their everyday life and routines.

The fact that the exchange students can get to know the Spanish culture in a personal matter is very important to us! It is also a whole school year in which the students will go to school. The visit to the school will be just as common to them as to the other Spanish students, who will eventually become their classmates and/or friends. We mustn’t forget that homework and examinations come with that too!


This program organizes a unique stay in a Spanish High School for all students looking for a true academic and linguistic immersion. The program lengths vary from short to long, and students can choose their hosting area as well.


All students are placed in Spanish host families, which are screened and accept to host the student as another member of their family. Host families ask that the student be interactive and social. In host family accommodation, all meals are included that are eaten in the host home.


Basic High School Program: Students are placed in the best local public school option possible. Most students walk just 5-15 minutes to school, while others in larger areas have to take a bus or train for 15-30 minutes.
Elite High School Program: Students are able to choose their semi-private or private schools from a selection. Transportation to the host school may include walking or going by car.